When a potential buyer views your home, they will be soaking in every aspect: the space, the décor, how the property works, but what about how it smells? Our sense of smell is powerful; it can evoke emotions, and is the sense most closely linked to memory. It can also provoke an immediate response.

There is a wealth of uncertainty at the moment, and one of the major worries for households up and down the country is the impact of the cost of living crisis.

Welsh government delays implementation of the Renting Homes Wales Act

Why buyers need an estate agent now more than ever

With uncertainty in the property market and, quite frankly, the world, you, like many people, may have decided that you'll not move house just now. But you must've had reasons for thinking about moving in the first place, right? What if you need more space? what is involved in extending your home? Where do you even start?

You may have heard of the minimalism movement. You might have even watched the Netflix documentary. But for those of you that have no idea what it's about, read on for a general explanation.

The average seller spends years deliberating about selling their home. With all of that time spent researching, many sellers will already know which estate agent they will use when ready to market their home. So, how have they made this decision?

If you've ever been told that your landlord wants to sell your home, you'll know that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. So, if you've been making your house your home and getting things nicely settled, only to be told that your landlord wants to sell up, what should you do?

You have so many emotions wrapped up in changing address: there could be feelings of sadness saying goodbye, combined with the excitement of your new home. Moving home is full of highs and lows and just when you think you are coming to the end, you have one of the most of the stressful stages to come, the big move! There are ways that you can mini

You’re excited, you’ve got your first viewing booked and the house is styled to perfection. What’s left to do? The garden! Your outdoor space needs just as much preparation as any room inside your home, but don’t worry, we’re here to help make sure your garden wows your buyers too!

Don’t forget your garden when you’re selling your house! 6 easy steps from LL Estates to wow your buyers.