Transform Your Outdoor Space Into an Oasis and Boost Your Property Value This Summer

Transform Your Outdoor Space Into an Oasis and Boost Your Property Value This Summer

If you are considering marketing your property for sale this summer, make sure that you present the outside space as well as you do the inside to maximise the value of your home.

British summertime is fleeting, and we love to make the most of those warm days whenever we can, so it can be a key element of a buyer's property search to know when the sun is in the garden. It's a selling feature of the property because it is considered the best direction for your garden, as this will ensure that you get the most sun throughout the day if your garden faces south.
But that is literally the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more ways to market the outside space in your home to new potential buyers. And what if you don't have a south-facing garden - should you just forget all about it, not mention the garden at all, and hope the buyers don't notice that your garden doesn't face the right way? Of course not.
When you try to sell your home, particularly in the warmer months of the year, the outside space is critical. So, how best should you show off your garden space when selling the property?
1.    Follow the sun. Place your seating areas around the garden in prime sunny spots. This could mean that you have an area that catches the morning sun, a lovely place to enjoy a peaceful morning coffee with nothing but the birds for company. And perhaps there is an area that gets the last of the sun as it sets in the evening, perfect for a crisp drink at the end of the day. And then maybe there is a decking or patio area that is a little more shaded for al fresco lunches. Set up your spaces with seating and furniture to show the area's flexibility and hint at the kind of lifestyle the buyer could have with this garden if they bought your property.
2.    Nice and tidy. A tidy garden will look bigger and more inviting. If you have flower beds, keep them weed-free, the grass cut short, and bushes and trees trimmed and pruned. You want your garden to be instantly usable, not to look like a colossal task a new owner must tackle before they can enjoy it. 
3.    Consider zoning. Make it clear that there are areas for different activities. A BBQ area with a table and chairs for enjoying a meal outdoors. A sunbathing area that gets the best of the sun throughout the day. A kid's corner where they can play and their outdoor toys are kept. If you have a veg plot, make sure it looks like a veg plot and is not overgrown and messy or filled with toys.
Seating areas, dining space, and room to play are the start of a wonderful sunny weekend with friends and family enjoying a BBQ. We all know it is a bit cliche that in the UK, the first sign of a slightly warm day and we all rush to have a BBQ, so you can almost guarantee that this will be something your buyers will be considering. By presenting your garden in this way, a buyer can quickly see that there will be sun in the garden, and they can enjoy the space as they imagine. Make the task easy for them by showing how you use the space clearly; they won't even mind if the garden is not facing south. 
You can even take it a step further and stage the garden for your photoshoots and viewings - perhaps a jug of iced water and some glasses on the table or a BBQ in full swing, to invoke the memories that your buyers will have of their own happy summer days and encourage them to imagine what those days could be like in your property. Being able to imagine living in a property is the first step towards making an offer, after all.
If you are considering selling your home this summer, don't delay. Get in touch with our team of property experts before the summer is over, and it's time to dig out our winter coats again. 

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